“Why does your “purpose” matter and how have you found it?”
This was the topic of the week at Coffee with Champions, and it was a deep one.
Purpose comes in many flavors.
Your identity.
Your work.
Your family purpose.
Your faith. And more.
How I Stumbled Upon My Life’s Partial Purpose
In 1997, I was 22 years old and at a crossroads with what I was supposed to do with my life. I had already switched careers three times and was starting to feel like a real loser.
I was seeking purpose and meaning for my life.
Thankfully, I had a chance encounter with an old family friend that ignited an unlikely, impossible dream in me.
Be a millionaire by age 30.
Teach others how to do it by age 40.
I was lucky. I found part of my work purpose and calling at a fairly young age…if it was only a partial, incomplete picture.
Finding My Purpose Created PROBLEMS
I wish I could tell you that everything fell into place when I found my calling in life.
It didn’t.
Within ten years of finding my purpose, I had made a complete mess of my life. I had ruined my relationships, my health, and my career.
Purpose showed me “where” I felt I was supposed to go, but it didn’t provide the “how” or the wisdom to get there.
At that age, I probably wouldn’t have listened if it would have.
But thankfully, in February of 2008, I got a second chance to start over and do things right. That’s a story for another day.
Finding My Purpose Created SUCCESS
Fast forward to today.
My purpose matches where I am on my life’s journey.
My purpose has evolved from just a financial one to a more complete “whole life” view that includes teaching people how to be Champions in:
Family and more.
I’m content with this bigger view. It’s been very rewarding.
3 Things I’ve Learned…
1. My faith in God will always sustain me.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;” - Jeremiah 29:11
In the good times and in the bad, I’ve held on to this Bible scripture that tells me I was born for a reason.
When I’ve been in the lows and want to beat myself up, this scripture keeps me pointed to something greater than myself.
2. The “Vehicle” that is FULFILLING my purpose can change.
This is the job that I do. How I earn money. What I do every day.
It can change.
I am open to that and expect it.
When I was 22 years old, my understanding of my calling was just about money.
Now, at 48, my understanding of my calling is about the whole human experience, a more complete view.
As I’ve grown, my calling has grown.
Till next time, be a force for good.
- Lance